[1] A. S. Tannenbaum Számítógép hálózatok" Prentice Hall, 1989, Novotrade Kiadó Kft, 1992
[2] Christian Huitema Routing in the Internet" Prentice Hall PTR, 1995
[3] R. E. Bellman Dynamic Programming" Princetown University Press, Princetown N. J., 1957
[4] L. R. Ford, Jr and D. R. Fulkerson Flows in networks" Princetown University Press, Princetown N. J., 1962
[5] E. W. Dijkstra A Note on Two Problems in Connection with Graphs" Numerische Mathematic, vol. 1, pp. 269-271, 1959
[6] D. E. McDysan, D. E. Spohn ATM Theory and Application" McGraw-Hill, 1994
[7] Kapovics Ádám A Szinkron Digitális Hierarchia alapjai", Híradástechnika 1996 április, pp. 2-5
[8] Kováts János SDH multiplexerek", Híradástechnika 1996 április, pp. 6-9
[9] N. Downey, A. Patel A Proposed Architecture for an advanced ATM signalling protocol", Híradástechnika 1996 jan-feb, pp. 24-33
[10] cisco UniverCD" vol. 2. number 3. cisco Inc. 1994.
[11] A. Alles ATM Internetworking", cisco Systems, 1995 március
[12] ATM Forum, UNI Specification, version 3.1" , 1994. szeptember, megjelent a Prentice Hall kiadásában is vagy ftp://ftp.atmforum.com/pub/UNI/ver31/
[13] ATM Forum, LAN Emulation over ATM version 1.0", 1995. január ftp://ftp.atmforum.com/pub/specs/
[14] ATM Forum, PNNI Draft Specification",
ftp://ftp.atmforum.com/pub/contributions/, 1995 január
Az alábbi dokumentumok úgynevezett Internet-draft-ok. Tartalmuk folyamatosan változhat, módosulhat. Legegyszerûbben a hálózaton érhetôk el:
ftp://ftp.bme.hu/pub/documents/internet-drafts/ ftp://nic.nordnu.net/internet-drafts/
[15] Y. Rekhter, T.Li Implications of Various Address Allocation Policies for Internet Routing" Work in Progress, 1996. január
[16] G. Huston Observations on the use of Components of the Class A Address Space within the Internet" Work in Progress, 1995. december
[17] R. G. Cole, D. H. Shur, C. Villamizar IP over ATM: A Framework Document" Work in Progress, 1996. február
[18] M. Laubach, J. Halpern Classical IP and ARP over ATM" Work in Progress, 1996 február
[19] D. Katz, D. Piscitello, J. V. Luciani NBMA Next Hop Resolution Protocol (NHRP)" Work in Progress, 1995 december
[20] Y. Katsube, K. Nagami, H. Esaki, Router Architecture Extensions for ATM: Overview" Work in Progress, 1996. március
[21] G. Armitage Support for Multicast over UNI 3.0/3.1 based ATM networks" Work in Progress, 1996 április
[22] T. J. Smith G. Armitage IP Broadcast over ATM Networks" Work in Progress, 1995. december
[23] R. Droms Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol" Work in Progress, 1995. november
[24] J. Bound, C. Perkins Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6)" Work in Progress, 1996. február
[25] S. Thomson, T. Narten IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration" Work in Progress, 1995. december
[26] T. Narten, E. Nordmark, W. A. Simpson Neighbor Discovery for IP Version 6 (IPv6)" Work in Progress, 1996. március
[27] G. Armitage IPv6 and Neighbour Discovery over ATM" Work in Progress, 1996. április
[28] P. Schulter A Framework for IPv6 Over ATM" Work in Progress, 1996. február
[29] Y. Rekhter, P. Tarina IDRP for IP v4 and v6" Work in Progress, 1996. január
[30] R. Chandra, P. Tarina, T. Li BGP communities attribute" 1996. április
[31] E. Chen, T. Bates Destination Preference Attribute for BGP" Work in Progress, 1996. március
[32] P. Tarina Autonomous System Confederations for BGP" Work in Progress, 1996. március
[33] D. Estrin, T. Li, Y. Rekhter Source Demand Routing: Packet Format and Forwarding Specification (Version 1)." Work in Progress, 1995. november
[34] D. Estrin, D. Farinacci, V. Jacobson Protocol Independent Multicast-Dense Mode (PIM-DM): Protocol Specification" Work in Progress, 1996. január
[35] A. Ballardie, S. Reeve, N. Jain Core Based Trees (CBT) Multicast -- Protocol Specification --" Work in Progress, 1996. április
[36] S. Shenker, C. Patridge Specification of Guaranteed Quality of Service" Work in Progress, 1995. december
[37] S. Shenker, C. Patridge, B. Davie Specification of Predictive Quality of Service" Work in Progress, 1995. november
[38] S. Shenker, C. Patridge, J. Wroclawski Specification of Controlled Delay Quality of Service" Work in Progress, 1995. november
[39] R. Braden, L. Zhang, S. Berson Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP) -- Version 1 Functional Specification" Work in Progress, 1996 május
[40] A. Birman, R. Guerin, D. Kandlur Support for RSVP-based Service over an ATM Network" Work in Progress, 1996. február
[41] D. Hoffmann, G. Fernando, S. Kleiman RTP payload Format for MPEG1/MPEG2 Video" Work in Progress, 1995. november
[42] L. Berc, W. Fenner, R. Frederick RTP payload Format for JPEG-compressed Video" Work in Progress, 1995. november
[43] N. Speer, D. Hoffman RTP payload Format of CellB Video Encoding" Work in Progress, 1995. augusztus
[44] T. Turletti, C. Huitema RTP payload Format for H.261 video streams" Work in Progress, 1995. július
[45] C. Perkins (editor) IP Mobility Support" Work in Progress, 1996. április
[46] D. Johnson, C. Perkins Route Optimization in Mobile IP" Work in Progress, 1996. február
[47] F. Teraoka Virtual Internet Protocol version
2 (VIPv2)" Work in Progress, 1995. december
Az dolgozatban az alábbi RFC-kre történik hivatkozás. Legegyszerûbben a hálózaton érhetôk el:
ftp://ftp.bme.hu/pub/documents/rfc/ ftp://nic.nordnu.net/ietf/
RFC1890 H. Schulzrinne, "RTP Profile for Audio and Video Conferences with Minimal Control" 1996. január
RFC1889 H. Schulzrinne, S. Casner, R. Frederick, V. Jacobson, "RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications" 1996. január
RFC1886 S. Thomson, C. Huitema, "DNS Extensions to support IP version 6" 1996. január
RFC1885 A. Conta, S. Deering, "Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMPv6) for the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)" 1996. január
RFC1884 R. Hinden, S. Deering, "IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture" 1996. január
RFC1883 S. Deering, R. Hinden, "Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification" 1996. január
RFC1819 L. Delgrossi, L. Berger, "Internet Stream Protocol Version 2 (ST2) Protocol Specification - Version ST2+" 1995. augusztus
RFC1809 C. Partridge, "Using the Flow Label Field in IPv6" 1995. június
RFC1771 Y. Rekhter, T. Li, "A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4)" 1995. március
RFC1755 M. Perez, F. A. Mankin, E. Hoffman, G. Grossman, A. Malis, "ATM Signaling Support for IP over ATM" 1995. február
RFC1754 M. Laubach, "IP over ATM Working Group's Recommendations for the ATM Forum's Multiprotocol BOF Version 1" 1995. január
RFC1752 S. Bradner, A. Mankin, "The Recommendation for the IP Next Generation Protocol" 1995. január
RFC1726 F. Kastenholz, C. Partridge, "Technical Criteria for Choosing IP:The Next Generation (IPng)" 1994. december
RFC1719 P. Gross, "A Direction for IPng" 1994. december
RFC1633 R. Braden, D. Clark, S. Shenker, "Integrated Services in the Internet Architecture: an Overview." 1994. június
RFC1584 J. Moy, "Multicast Extensions to OSPF" 1994. március
RFC1577 M. Laubach, "Classical IP and ARP over ATM" 1994. január
RFC1550 S. Bradner, A. Mankin, "IP: Next Generation (IPng) White Paper Solicitation" 1993. december
RFC1541 R. Droms, "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol" 1993. november
RFC1533 S. Alexander, R. Droms, "DHCP Options and BOOTP Vendor Extensions" 1993. november
RFC1519 V. Fuller, T. Li, J. Yu, K. Varadhan, "Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR): an Address Assignment and Aggregation Strategy" 1993. szeptember
RFC1518 Y. Rekhter, T. Li, "An Architecture for IP Address Allocation with CIDR" 1993. szeptember
RFC1483 J. Heinanen, "Multiprotocol Encapsulation over ATM Adaptation Layer 5" 1993. július
RFC1479 M. Steenstrup, "Inter-Domain Policy Routing Protocol Specification:Version 1" 1993. július
RFC1387 G. Malkin, "RIP Version 2 Protocol Analysis" 1993. január
RFC1267 K. Lougheed, Y. Rekhter, "A Border Gateway Protocol 3 (BGP-3)" 1991. okróber
RFC1265 Y. Rekhter, "BGP Protocol Analysis" 1991. október
RFC1256 S. Deering, "ICMP Router Discovery Messages" 1991. szeptember
RFC1247 J. Moy, "OSPF Version 2" 1991. augusztus
RFC1191 J. Mogul, S. Deering, "Path MTU Discovery" 1990. november
RFC1190 C. Topolcic, "Experimental Internet Stream Protocol, Version 2 (ST-II)" 1990. október
RFC1163 K. Lougheed, Y. Rekhter, "A Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)" 1990. június
RFC1112 S. Deering, "Host extensions for IP multicasting" 1989. augusztus
RFC1105 K. Lougheed, Y. Rekhter, "Border Gateway Protocol BGP" 1989. június
RFC1092 J. Rekhter, "EGP and policy based routing in the new NSFNET backbone" 1989. február
RFC1075 S. Deering, C. Partridge, D. Waitzman, "Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol" 1988. november
RFC1058 C. Hedrick, "Routing Information Protocol" 1988. június
RFC0951 W. Croft, J. Gilmore, "Bootstrap Protocol" 1985. szeptember
RFC0950 J. Mogul, J. Postel, "Internet standard subnetting procedure" 1985. augusztus
RFC0904 International Telegraph and Telephone Co, D. Mills, "Exterior Gateway Protocol formal specification" 1984. április
RFC0827 Rosen, "Exterior Gateway Protocol EGP" 1982. október
RFC0791 J. Postel, "Internet Protocol" 1981. szeptember
AAL | ATM Adaptation Layer | 6.1.1. |
ABR | Available Bit Rate | 6.1.3. |
ADM | Add-Drop Multiplexer | |
AFI | Address Format Identifier | 4.3.3. |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute | 2.2. |
ARP | Address Resolution Protocol | |
ARPA | Advanced Research Projects Agency | 2.2. |
AS | Autonomous System | 5.3. |
ATM | Asynchronous Transfer Mode | 6. |
AURP | AppleTalk Update-based Routing Protocol | 4.3.3. |
BECN | Backward Explicit Congestion Notification | 4.2.2. |
BGP | Border Gateway Protocol | |
BOOTP | Bootstrap Protocol | 7.1. |
BRI | Basic Rate Interface | 4.2.4. |
BT | Burst Tolerance | 6.1.2. |
BUS | Broadcast and Unknown Server | 6.2. |
CAC | Connection Admission Control | 6.1.6. |
CATNIP | Common Architecture for IP | 7.3.1. |
CBR | Constant Bit Rate | 6.1.3. |
CBT | Core Based Trees | 7.4.2. |
CBT | Computer Based Training | |
CCITT | Committee for International Telegraph and Telephone | 2.2. |
CDDI | Copper Distributed Data Interface | 4.1.3. |
CDV | Cell Delay Variation | 6.1.2. |
CDVT | Cell Delay Variation Tolerance | 6.1.2. |
CER | Cell Error Ratio | 6.1.2. |
CIDR | Classless Inter-Domain Routing | |
CIR | Comitted Information Rate | 4.2.2. |
CIRP | Classless Intradomain Routing Protocol | 5.3. |
CLNP | ConnectionLess Network Protocol | 4.3.3. |
CLP | Cell Loss Priority | |
CLR | Cell Loss Ratio | 6.1.2. |
CLTP | ConnectionLess Transport Protocol | 7.3.1. |
CMNP | Connection Mode Network Protocol | 4.3.3. |
CMR | Cell Misinsertation Rate | 6.1.2. |
COA | Care-of Address | 7.6. |
CP | Common Part | 6.1.1. |
CPCS | Common Part Convergence Sublayer | 6.1.1. |
CPI | Common Part Indicator | |
CRC | Cyclic Redundant Code | |
CS | Convergence Sublayer | 6.1.1. |
CSMA | Carrier Sense Multiple Access | 4.1.1. |
CSMA/CD | CSMA with Collision Detection | 4.1.1. |
CSR | Cell Switch Router | 6.3.5. |
CSRC | Contribution Source | 7.5.5. |
CTD | Cell Transfer Delay | 6.1.2. |
DARPA | Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency | 2.2. |
DCC | Data Country Code | 6.1.4. |
DCE | Data Circuit-temination Equipment | 4.2.1. |
DCLI | Data Link Connection Identifier | 4.2.2. |
DE | Discard Eligibility | 4.2.2. |
DEC | Digital Equipment Corporation | |
DF | Don't Fragment | |
DHCP | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol | 7.1. |
DNS | Domain Name Service | 7.1. |
DNS | Dezoxiribonukleinsav | |
DQDB | Distributed Queue Double Bus | 4.1.3. |
DSx | Digital Signal | |
DSP | Domain Specific Part | 4.3.3. |
DSP | Digital Signal Processing | |
DSS | Digital Signalling System | 4.2.4. |
DTE | Data Teminal Equipment | 4.2.1. |
DTL | Designated Transit List | 6.1.6. |
DUAL | Diffusing Update Algorithm | |
DVMRP | Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol | 7.4.3. |
EBONE | European network Bone | 7.1 |
EGP | Exterior Gateway Protocol | |
EIA | Electronic Industries Association | 2.2. |
EIGRP | Enhanced IGRP | |
ELAN | Emulated LAN | 6.2. |
ES | End-System | 4.3.3. |
ESI | End-System Identifier | 4.3.3. |
ETSI | European Telecommunication Standards Institute | 2.2. |
FDDI | Fiber Distributed Data Interface | 4.1.3. |
FDM | Frequency Division Multiplexing | |
FECN | Forward Explicit Congestion Notification | 4.2.2. |
FR | Frame Relay | 4.2.2. |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol | 7. |
GCAC | Generic CAC | 6.1.6. |
GCRA | Generic Cell Rate Algorithm | 6.1.2. |
GFC | Generic Flow Control | |
HDLC | High-level Data Link Control | 4.2.1. |
HEC | Header Error Control | |
HO-DSP | High Order part of DSP | 6.1.4. |
HOB | Head of Bus | 4.1.3. |
HTTP | HyperText Transport Protocol | |
IAB | Internet Architecture Board | 2.2. |
IANA | Internet Assignment Number Authority | 2.2. |
IBM | International Business Machines | |
ICD | International Code Designator | 6.1.4. |
ICMP | Internet Control Message Protocol | |
ICP | Internet Control Protocol | 4.3.3. |
IDI | Initial Domain Identifier | 4.3.3. |
IDP | Internet Datagram Protocol | 4.3.3. |
IDP | Initial Domain Part | 6.1.4. |
IDPR | Inter Domain Policy Routing | 5.3.3. |
IDRP | Inter-Domain Routing Protocol | 5.3.3. |
IE | Information Element | 6.1.5. |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers | 2.2. |
IESG | Internet Engineering Steering Group | 2.2. |
IETF | Internet Engineering Task Force | 2.2. |
IGMP | Internet Group Membership Protocol | 7.4.1. |
IGP | Interior Gateway Protocol | 5.3. |
IGRP | Interior Gateway Routing Protocol | |
IHU | I Heard You | |
IP | Internet Protocol | |
IPng | Internet Protocol next generation | 7.3.1. |
IPX | Internet Packet Exchange | 4.3.3. |
IS | Intermediate System | 4.3.3. |
ISDN | Integrated Services Digital Network | 4.2.4. |
ISL | Inter-Switch Link | 5.2. |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization | 2.2. |
ISOC | Internet Society | 2.2. |
ITU-T | International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector | 2.2. |
JPEG | Joint Photographic Expert Group | 7.5.5. |
LAN | Local Area Network | 4.1. |
LANE | LAN Emulation | 6.2. |
LAP | Link Access Protocol | 4.2.1. |
LAPB | Link Access Protocol, Balanced | 4.2.1. |
LAPD | Link Access Protocol, D-channel | 4.2.4. |
LCI | Logical Connection Identifier | 4.2.1. |
LE | Local Exhange | 4.2.4. |
LEC | LAN Emulation Client | 6.2. |
LECS | LAN Emulation Configuration Server | 6.2. |
LES | LAN Emulation Server | 6.2. |
LIS | Logical IP Subnet | 6.3.3. |
LLC | Logical Link Control | 3. |
LMI | Local Management Interface | 4.2.2. |
MAC | Medium Access Control | 3. |
MAN | Metropolitan Area Network | 4.1.3. |
MARS | Multicast Address Resolution Server | 6.3.6. |
MBONE | Mulicast network bone | 7.4.3. |
MBS | Maximum Burst Size | 6.1.2. |
MID | Multiplex Identification | |
MOSPF | Multicast Open Shortest Path First | 7.4.4. |
MPEG | Moving Pictures Expert Group | 7.5.5. |
MPOA | Multiprotocol over ATM | 6.3.1. |
MTU | Maximum Transmission Unit | 4.1. |
NBMA | Non-Broadcast Multiple Access | 6.3.4. |
NCP | Network Core Protocol | 4.3.2. |
ND | Neighbour Discovery | 7.3.4. |
NDIS | Network Driver Interface Specification | 6.2. |
NDS | Neighbour Discovery Server | 7.3.4. |
NDS | Netware Directory Service | |
NHRP | Next Hop Resolution Protocol | 6.3.4. |
NHS | NHRP server | 6.3.4. |
NNI | Network to Network Interface | |
NSAP | Network Service Access Point | 4.3.3. |
NSF | National Science Foundation | 2.2. |
NSP | Network Services Protocol | 4.3.3. |
ODI | Open Data-Link Interface | 6.2. |
OSI | Open Systems Interconnection | 2.2. |
OSPF | Open Shortest Path First | |
OUI | Organizationally Uniquoe Identifier | 6.3.2. |
PAD | Packet Assembler-Disassembler | 4.2.1. |
PARC | Xerox Palo Alto Research Center | 4.3.3. |
PCR | Peak Cell Rate | 6.1.2. |
PDH | Pleisosynchronous Digital Hierarchy | |
PGL | Peer Group Leader | 6.1.6. |
PIM | Protocol Independent Multicast | 7.4.5. |
PLCP | Physical Layer Convergence Protocol | 4.2.3. |
PMD | Physical Medium Dependent | |
PNNI | Private-NNI | 6.1.6. |
POH | Path overhead | |
PPP | Point-to-Point Protocol | rfc1661 |
PRI | Primary Rate Interface | 4.2.4. |
PTSP | PNNI Topology State Packet | 6.1.6. |
PVC | Permanent VC | 4.2.1. |
QOS | Quality of Service | 6.1.3. |
RARP | Reverse ARP | 7.1. |
RD | Routing Domain | 6.1.4. |
RFC | Reqest for Comment | 2.2. |
RIB | Route Information Base | |
RIP | Routing Information Protocol | |
RISC | Rediced Instruction Set Computer | |
ROLC | Routing Over Large Clouds IETF munkacsoport | 6.3.4. |
RP | Rendezvous Point | 7.4.5. |
RPF | Reverse Path Forwarding | 7.4.2. |
RSVP | Resource Reservation Protocol | 7.5.3. |
RTCP | Real Time Control Protocol | 7.5.5. |
RTMP | Routing Table Manaintenance Protocol | 4.3.3. |
RTP | Routing Table Protocol | 4.3.3. |
RTP | Real Time Protocol | 7.5.5. |
SAAL | Singalling AAL | 6.1.5. |
SAP | Service Access Point | |
SAP | Service Advertising Protocol | 4.3.3. |
SAR | Segment Assembly/Reassembly | 6.1.1. |
SCMP | Stream Control Message Protocol | 7.5.4. |
SCR | Sustainable Cell Rate | 6.1.2. |
SDH | Synchronous Digital Hierarchy | |
SDLC | Synchronous Data Link Control | 4.2.1. |
SDRP | Source Demand Routing Protocol | 5.3.3. |
SIP | SMDS Interface Protocol | 4.2.3. |
SIPP | Simple IP Plus | 7.3.1. |
SLIP | Serial Line IP | rfc1055 |
SMDS | Switched Multimegabit Data Service | 4.2.3. |
SNA | Systems Network Architecture | |
SNMP | Simple Network Management Protocol | |
SOH | Section overhead | |
SONET | Synchronous Optical Network | |
SPF | Shortest Path First | |
SPP | Sequenced Packet Protocol | 4.3.3. |
SPX | Sequenced Packet Exchange | 4.3.3. |
SRB | Source Route Bridging | 5.1. |
SSCF | Service Speceific Coordination Function | |
SSCOP | Service Speceific Connection Oriented Protocol | |
SSCS | Service Speceific Convergence Sublayer | 6.1.1. |
SSRC | Synchronisation Source | 7.5.5. |
ST | Internet Stream Protocol | 7.5.4. |
STA | Spanning Tree Algorithm | 5.1. |
STM | Synchronous Transport Modul | |
STP | Shielded Twisted Pair | 4.1.3. |
STS | Synchronous Transport Signal | |
SVC | Switched VC | 4.2.1. |
TA | Terminal Adaptor | 4.2.4. |
TC | Transmission Convergence | |
TCP | Transmission Control Protocol | |
TDM | Time Division Multiplexing | |
TE | Terminal Equipment | 4.2.4. |
TIA | Telecomunication Industry Association | 2.2. |
TOS | Type of Service | |
TPx | Transport Protocol | 3. |
TTL | Time to Live | |
TU | Tributary Unit | |
TUBA | TCP/UDP over CLNP-Addressed Networks | 7.3.1. |
TULIP | TCP and UDP over Lightweight IP | 6.3.2. |
TUNIC | TCP and UDP over Nonexistent IP Connection | 6.3.2. |
UBR | Unspecified Bit Rate | 6.1.3. |
UDP | User Datagram Protocol | |
UNI | User to Network Interface | |
UTP | Unshielded Twisted Pair | 4.1.1. |
VBR | Variable Bit Rate | 6.1.3. |
VC | Virtual Circuit | 4.2.1. |
VC | Virtual Container | |
VCI | Virtual Circuit Identifier | |
VINES | Virtual Integrated NEtwork Services | 4.3.3. |
VIP | Virtual IP | 7.6. |
VIP | Very Important Person | |
VLAN | Virtual LAN | 5.2. |
VP | Virtual Path | |
VPI | Virtual Path Identifier | |
VT | Virtual Tributary | |
WAN | Wide Area Network | 4.2. |
WWW | World Wide Web | 7. |
XNS | Xerox Network Systems | 4.3.3. |